Friday, September 4, 2009

Message from my second graders principal

Yesterday I received a voice mail from the Principal of my daughter's Elementary School. I was surprised by her call for two reason one I didn't think this lady actually did anything, she is riding out the wave until retirement. Two because of the content of the message itself. No my angel was not in trouble. Here is the message

"We are informing parents that Tuesday Sept 8th at noon, some of the teachers will be tuning in to President Obama's Message to Students to encourage students to set high academic goals and to their best to succeed. If you choose for your child to not participate send a note to your child's teacher."

The following is the letter I would like to send along to my child's teacher.

Dear Mrs. So and So,
I would like to inform you that my daughter I would like for my daughter to be excused from the viewing of President Obama's message next week. Instead of wasting valuable time hearing a sales pitch from our Socialist President, I would like for her to be given 10 m&m's preferable peanut ones my favorite. After this presidential message I would like for you to take away 1 peanut m&m. Explain to her that this is a tax for using the computer. Then at recess please take another m&m. Finally at the end of the day take one more. When she gets home I will take 2 m&m's leaving her with half of what she started with. I will then explain to her the reasoning for this exercise in taking what is rightfully hers. AKA taxation. I will tell her that she was not allowed to watch the Presidential message because at the end of the day, our president is trying to do exactly what happened to you today. Take half of daddies money. It stinks doesn't it?

Mr. Reilly

When i was in Sixth grade the space shuttle blew up into thousand's of pieces and Mr. Arena wheeled in a TV for us to watch. Do you think he called my mom and dad to see if it was okay. F no.

Add this to my list of 10 things that are leading to the pussification of America's youth! Number 1 of course being Everyone gets a ribbon or Trophy for winning. Because everyone is a winner!!!