Friday, December 4, 2009

Email to David Bach

Something that I have become pretty passionate about since last's year's economic downturn is MY Money. Personal Finance Management is what you would call it. I read a lot blogs, books, etc. I checked out a website called about a month ago. He mentioned a book by David Bach called the "The Automatic Millionaire", after reading the book I started following David Bach on Twitter and yesterday he asked for followers to email in stories of doing well in a recession. I decided to send in my story

Hello David,
I wanted to share with you a great story which I will hope inspires some of your followers. In the beginning of 2009 we saw the fall of Lehman brothers, banks being given TARP funds and a whole host of other news stories signifying the end of the world. It was a pretty scare time for me being have a wife and two children and the bread winner. This part has to do with budgeting so you may want to skip over it but it did work for me. I make a pretty decent salary, actually above average compared to what other Americans are making and was sick of logging into my bank account to see my checking balance showing 13 dollars. It's pretty disheartening to think that you go to work for something 50 hours a week and all you have to show for it is pocket change. When the economic bubble burst I figured it was time to get my personal finances in order and decided to start a budget and pay off some debt. People ask me to show them how I did my budget and I often tell them that is like asking me what I do to stay in good shape. The answer is simple you have to do what works best for you. I may be able to workout five days a week and eat Taco Bell for dinner and still have a great physique and low cholestoral. You might have to entirely change your eating habits on top of working out. The same goes for personal finance management try a few different options budgets, 10% off the top, put money in a shoebox, you must be in the mindset and have the willpower to do it. Within 7 months I paid off over 7 thousand dollars in debt and starting saving every penny I could find. I had enough saved that I decided just like corporations give bonuses my wife and I should be given one as well for all our hard work this year.

The next part of this story is my personal success at work in the past year. My Dad was a union plumber growing and I would see him come home with chaped hands, and a frozen mustache. But he never complained, day in a day out he went to his work ethic was impressive. I did not know it at the time but he was passing on a great work ethic to his son (me). This past year set me up for a promotion and a merit increase. When I stop to think about this for a second and without patting myself on the back, this is a great achievement. Considering unemployment was at an all time high of 70%, here I am getting a promotion and merit increase. I attribute this to hard work and the motivation to set myself and my family for a strong financial future. Inspiration comes in many different forms and for me it is reading personal finance management books, articles and blog by great writers like yourself. 2009 was a great year for me and I am looking forward to 2010 which will hopefully bring prosperity, great health and an opportunity to spread this positivity to friends and family. To show them that just because there is a recession, it doesn't mean you have to participate. Good things can still happen just ask me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I thoroughly enjoy your work.

Mike R
Cary, NC