Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Teach your Children Well

We all know the song right??? Crosby Still Nash and Young. It's one of those great songs you hear on some light fm station like KJoy (LI Reference). Well now that I have that song stuck in your head let's get to the point.

Headlines of most news related web-sites are chomping at the bit on news of Nancy Pelosi's latest spider web of lies. Let's not forget something here people this women is the 3 THIRD most powerful person in the current administration. That my peeps is pretty frightening!!!! In the latest episode Pelosi claims she was not told entirely about the torture methods used by the previous administration. I am laughing right now at my keyboard because this must be the third choice of options politicians use when confronted with a situation they are trying to get out of. Kind of like calling Dell tech support. Option 1:Do you have power? Option 2: Is your computer on? Option 3: It was the Bush Administration. If I used the abbreviation for Laugh out Loud I would insert it here but I don't!

Here is my gripe as many of you reading this might have as well. Politicians are the first to scold professional athletes, musicians and actors/actresses for doing something in the public eye that a child may see. Yes we call these people role models. Well I guess Politicians forget that due to their high visibility in the public eye that some children might be learning a trick or two from them as well. Let's take Allen Iverson for example. How could we forget the press conference that revolutionized the word "Practice" Practice it what practice who cares if i miss one practice. I know that might not be the best example but it was a funny one.

How about Steroid laden baseball players like McGuire and Bonds? I didn't know what was in the syringe or the cream the trainer spread across my ass. Sure, you didn't know what it was.
My point is Pelosi is not different in this latest LIE. That is what it is people a LIE!!!

Pelosi was on the House Intelligence Committee (TOP DEMOCRAT) when she , received a classified briefing on Sep 4, 2002 that discussed details of the use of "EITs" – enhanced interrogation techniques – on Abu Zubaydah, a prime al-Qaeda suspect. The Memo that was released basically states exactly what the "EIT"s are. Now I am sure Mrs. Pelosi will debate that she needed a bulleted list of these methods, which may have been provided. MRS PELOSI what did you think enhanced interrogation techniques were? Not allowing the animal to use the toilet for 2 days, or even worse maybe they played the theme song to Barney "I Love You, You love me". Now I must admit that this would be classified in my book as enhanced technique of torture, I am sure the operatives had something else in mind.

So now we have the THIRD HIGHEST RANKING Official in this Administration under OBAMA stating for everyone to hear "INCLUDING OUR CHILDREN" that she was not aware that "Waterboarding" was used as an "EIT". Okay wow let me think about that one in for a moment..... She was not aware that "Worderboarding" was used. I find it hard to believe that out of all these highly intelligent people know one raised their hand and asked. "Excuse me umm can you tell me what some of these advanced techniques are?"

Well I can see this now some smart a$$ teenager catches on to this.. He sits in math class and gets a homework assignment to do the some problems on page 10. Next day he comes to class and the teacher asks why little johnny's (Always Little Johnny) homework is incomplete. Well Mrs Smith when you explained that we needed to do the problems on page 10 I wasn't sure exactly how many of these problems you wanted us to complete. Hey Nancy Pelosi can do it why can't I.

Well thanks Mrs. Pelosi just when parents were finally getting there kids to go back to practice and not do steroids because a role model did or didn't do it.
We now have to re-educate them on lying. Time to dust off the old CSNY album.

Politicians one should remind you that maybe you should not worry about someone else's house until you have yours in order.

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