Friday, May 1, 2009

What we learned this week...

Round 2 of the NHL Playoffs is on tonight (actually started last night), and we have hockey in beantown and hockeytown. Nothing better then sitting in front of the television with a good IPA in one hand and remote in the other. Flipping between games during the commercials. GO CANES!!!! Let's get down to business, I watched the HBO Films mini-series John Adams last year. Paul Giamonte played the political philosopher who served as the first Vice President under George Washington. If you were to ask me what scene of the mini series I remember the most, I would have to say it is when John Adams is Vice President and he says to his wife Abigal "The Vice Presidency is the most insignificant office". Well I guess Vice President Joe Biden might be thinking the same thing, so what does he do. He gives the networks a sound clip on the "Today" show that causes quit a stir. That's right Obama is out Grandstanding his 100 day in office with a Prime Time press conference and Joe B feels like he needs some press time. Hey why not! We haven't seen this guy since the inauguration. What else did we learn this week??? OH that Senator Arlen Spector has been walking around for the last 4 years in his red spidey suite, but he really was wearing the evil black one all along. You know Venom!!!! I say good ridden to that old gator.. How do you think the good Republicans feel in Pennsylvania? Could you imagine that you vote this guy into office as a member of your party, then one day he wakes up and switches teams.. That is like Derek Jeter waking up tomorrow and putting on a Red Sox jersey, or or Mark Messier putting on the Islanders Blue and Orange.BLASPHEMY! Well in all honesty it does leave the Great One in a very good position here folks. This puts the Dem's within 1 vote of the 60 needed for the dreaded "F" word FILIBUSTER. I could just see it now Obama gets the news of Spector switching teams right before his 100 day of doing nothing celebration, and he comes sliding across the white house floor in his socks, boxer briefs, and his shirt un-tucked like Tom Cruise in "Risky Business" doing his best rendition of War's "Why Can't We Be Friends". His daughters and Michele rolling their eyes. Well Mr. Spector you still have to win the election in Pennsylvania. You know at first I was furious with this guy, but this is actually great. It gives the GOP a chance to shed the old geezer image and bring in a fresh new young face.

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