Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Torture is like Sausage

WOW it has been awhile since I have updated my blog, but we all know that there has been plenty of News to blog about. I have been so focused on work I almost missed the perfect blogging opportunity so I figured let's take a break from the world of Cisco and get back to the POTUS and his administration, particularly Madam Nancy Pelosi. A few months ago a friend of mine turned me onto Vince Flynn, have you read his books??? If you haven't picked one up do so immediately but be careful they are highly addictive.

His books are based on a character name Mitch Rapp who is a CIA bad ass, I mean BAD ASS!!. I truly believe there isn't an actor out there that can even come close to playing this guy in a movie. Anyway the irony of my new found love of reading in my spare time of these books is how close the story lines are to what is going on in the world today. President Bush was quoted as saying "Vince Flynn must have a contact in the CIA". Due to the facts being so dead on. Where was I??? Oh Mitch Rapp in the current book I am reading "Protect and Defend" Iran has had it's Nuclear Program reduced to rubble, when an Israeli Operative basically implodes the building by inserting himself as a janitor. Brilliant! Iran goes crazy accusing the Americans of dropping a bomb on the facility.

I know you are probably thinking at this moment is this a review of "Protect and Defend" well it is not. My point is, in every novel Mitch Rapp uses interrogation methods that are deemed questionable. Most of the Capital Hill folks accuse him of torturing prisoners. Saying he took an Oath to uphold the constitution. This fits right into the current events that are being debated right now by the fine suits on Capital Hill and this administration. Are we crossing a line when torture techniques are used to save American lives?????

I don't know the exact percentages but I am sure if you poled US Citizens the results would be split, but you have to look at the circumstances that these people are in. Dozen of American lives could be saved by pulling information from a captive.. There is an analogy used by Mitch Rapp which I love pertaining to this, he says "Torture is like sausage, people just want to eat it, they don't want to know how it is made". It's the truth I love the taste of a sausage link but I don't care to see how they stuff all that crap inside a tube.

The point I am trying to make here is Torture is a necessary evil needed for our Government entities to use in order save American lives. Now as for the debate on whether this is breaking the law or not I have to say I don't think the constituation applies here. Easy now!!! Let's take a look at what we are facing in the Middle East. I use the word "we" loosely because it is not you or I. It is dedicated CIA, FBI and soldiers who spend their days risking their lives to save ours.

These animals and that is what they are animals, not the entire population of the Middle East here, the particular ones who gets their rocks off by be heading innocent people with a butter knife on the Internet. Or strap suicide vests on and kill innocent men and women.. Should they be entitled to due process. I say hell no! If an operative deems it necessary to hook up a car battery to one of these Al Qaeda's nuts in order to stop a cell from planning a suicide bombing in Times Square NY during New Years Eve, then I say red is positive black is negative.

Face it people if we head down this path that we have already started down we are going to someday have the same fears as the UK. Worrying about shopping at the local mall, due to the fear that some crazy bastard who thinks he is going to get a pass to see Allah by blowing up a bunch of innocent people out shopping. Think about this long an hard before you read the next article about water boarding being used to extract information. Don't let you NIMBY (NOT IN MY BACK YARD) attitude cloud your vision of what is needed to be done.

Next time you are at a book store pick up extreme measure by Vince Flynn. See how the PC attitude of one US Senator Barbara Lonsdale hinders the gathering of information about a terrorist cell who is looking to attach Washington DC. Lonsdale eerily reminds me of one Barbara Boxter or Nancy Pelosi. I won't give away the ending but let's just say Lonsdale changes her tune significantly by the end of this story on what interogation methods should be used when it comes to saving lives.

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