Thursday, April 30, 2009

What does your Itunes Playlist say about you???

For those of you who read this blog "cricket, cricket" and have known me for a long time no I have always been into music. I used to make mix tapes and cd mixes back in Jr/Sr high school. (All in one building. Babylonians know how that works out 7-12 in same building). Today we have MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 or MP3s as you my know them. To me MP3's are the best thing since slice bread. I have gigs upon gigs of MP3s. I listen to music at work all day, in the car, while I am mowing the grass, etc.... Your probably asking where is this going??? Well the mix tape is pretty much dead, musicians sing about mix tapes like Jack's Mannequin whose lead singer (Andrew McMahon) probably wasn't even around when tapes where used. We used them to express our love for a girl/guy, or get pumped up for a game. Now we have playlists. Well in the N&O today (news and observer local paper in Raleigh NC) had an article today about what your ipod playlists says about you. In the article it talked about a couple here in Raleigh that had been dating for awhile and the girl decides to go through her boyfriends ipod. She is appauled by what she sees, let's just say the music he had went beyond a guilty pleasure for some Barbara Streisand. This girl was almost ready to leave her boyfriend due to his music taste. She being an Indie music fan could not imagine spending the rest of her life with a guy who had Journey in his top playlist of songs. She even went to the extent of seeing how many times these songs were played. As I was reading this I thought to myself, I wonder what my Top 25 Most played songs are. Now I do admit I have some (Faggy) songs. Cough Cough Neil Diamond, Journey but hey who doesn't love a little Journey "Only the young can stay". It reminds of Vision Quest. Love that movie.
Anyway here are my top 25 songs:
Jack Johnson:No Other Way,
OAR That was a crazy game of poker,
Lost! Coldplay,
Banana Pancakes JJ,
The Mixed Tape Jacks Mannequin (Gulp),
Come Monday kenny Chesney,
Already Gone Sugarland
Waitin on a Women Brad Paisley
Violet Hill Coldplay
Lovers In Japan Coldplay
Back where I come from Kenny Chesney
Midnight Train to Memphis Kid Rock
Fake Empire THe National
Start a War The National
The Bucket Kings of Leon****
Never ever gone Chris Cagle
Viva La Vida Coldplay
Messages Xavier Rudd
White Moth Xavier Rudd
Lovers in Japan (acoustic version) Coldplay
Sweet and Wild Dirks Bentley
Red Light Johnny Lang
Sex on Fire Kings of Leon
Love and memories OAR
Rock & Roll eric hutchinson

So that's it my top 25 playlist of most played songs. What does this say about me??? I look at this list and think WOW I have an eclectic taste in music. A little bit of country, rock and roll, alternative and Indie Music. So I ask what is in your top 25 music playlist??? Let me know I would love to hear. Maybe some Broadway music, Clay Aiken, Britney Spears. Mom's of teenie boppers probably have some Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus mixed in there.

Biden speaks, Elizabeth Alexander Dances

Apparently VP Biden must have watched the 1995 "Outbreak" recently. You can't blame the guy it is a great movie. I was thinking of watching it again but figured that would be like watching "Final Destination" before going on a plane. I digress. Seems Mr. Biden was asked this morning on the "Today" show what advice he would give to a family member who was considering flying to Mexico. Biden said " I would not go anywhere in confined places. It's not that it's going to Mexico. It's you're in a confied aircraft. When one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft. How could you forget that scene in Outbreak a person sneezes and they show the germs spreading thoughout the airplane. Well I was on a plane yesterday and the day before. I now have a cold, well let's hope it is just a cold. I am tempted to buy a bottle of Hand Sanitizer and take a bath in it. Well Biden's spokeswomen quickly started doing a dance that might be seen on "Dancing with the Stars". Saying what Mr. Biden meant was if you are sick they should avoid airplanes and other confined public spaces. Well spokewomen Elizabeth Alexander if that is what he meant then why didn't he say that. Good attempt at the Mambo but we leave the Dancing to Julienna Hough. Even Janet Napolitano tried to join in the dance. "If he could say that over again, he would say if they're feeling sick they should stay off of public transit or confined spaces because that is indeed the advice they we're giving. Now i think the chief of Homeland Security is an expert of mulligans since her comments about our Veterans were so well received. She is so credible these days isn't she. Hey Joe great job at helping calm the fears of the citizens of the US. No wonder we don't hear much out of you these days.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The US economy going into the crapper

This is fun so I figured I would blog some more.... Mr Obama stated that he would cut the defecit in half by the end of his term. Well analysts are saying the defecit will be 1.5 Trillion dollars. I don't know about anyone else but I when I think of a trillion widgets I cannot fathom that. If you had a trillion 1 dollar bills, what would that look like. Could you stack them UP higher than the Empire State Building??? Obama reminds me of an 18 year kid in a strip club dollars flying out his wallet. So I ask this question and if I was at this press conference I would ask Obama at this rate of spending based on the first 100 days how are you going to cut a defecit of several trillion dollars in half in 4 years? YOu have to stop spending and stop taxing... This is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. I wish I could fast forward 4 years from now and see where that number is

First 100 days of THE GREAT 1!

Well here it goes my first attempt at blogging. It is fitting that I start this on the night that Obama has scheduled a press conference to talk about his first 100 days in office. No doubt another attempt at grandstanding for Obama where he can pat his constituents on the back and taught how much he has already done to fix the issues caused by the Republicans. Back to this 100 days celebration we are witnessing. When was the last time this type of celebration occured by a President?? I googled it and nothing came back. I thought 100 day celebrations were reserved for elementary schools. The Elementary school my daughter goes to has one every year after the kids have gone to school for 100 days. It's pretty cute actually the kids bring in 100 cherrios, candy etc. But that is just it is cute for Elementary school kids. Not the leader of the free world. Well I am 10 minutes into the press conference and this thought just popped into my head. How much money are the networks losing during this pres conference???? Last time I checked this is Prime Time and ad space is not cheap. Plus I am sure there are a of "Lost" fans who are a little peeved at missing their show for this. Well as usual Obama who hs to do everything to help the idiot Americans, just spent 10 mins talking about the Pig Virus. Telling people to wash your hands, yadda yadda yadda. BTW was that a calculated first question or what. YES we are in prime time and the first order of business is the PIG FLU. Thank you Captain Obvious. I love this ticker on the bottom of the screen showing stats that have changed since Obama took office, it;s like watching espn for scores. I can't take to much more of this, I am waiting for the debate moderator to come out and ask Mr Mccain the same question. Stop campaining buddy you won. How long do i make this blog posts? DOn't want to make it too long people will lose interest right.