Thursday, April 30, 2009

Biden speaks, Elizabeth Alexander Dances

Apparently VP Biden must have watched the 1995 "Outbreak" recently. You can't blame the guy it is a great movie. I was thinking of watching it again but figured that would be like watching "Final Destination" before going on a plane. I digress. Seems Mr. Biden was asked this morning on the "Today" show what advice he would give to a family member who was considering flying to Mexico. Biden said " I would not go anywhere in confined places. It's not that it's going to Mexico. It's you're in a confied aircraft. When one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft. How could you forget that scene in Outbreak a person sneezes and they show the germs spreading thoughout the airplane. Well I was on a plane yesterday and the day before. I now have a cold, well let's hope it is just a cold. I am tempted to buy a bottle of Hand Sanitizer and take a bath in it. Well Biden's spokeswomen quickly started doing a dance that might be seen on "Dancing with the Stars". Saying what Mr. Biden meant was if you are sick they should avoid airplanes and other confined public spaces. Well spokewomen Elizabeth Alexander if that is what he meant then why didn't he say that. Good attempt at the Mambo but we leave the Dancing to Julienna Hough. Even Janet Napolitano tried to join in the dance. "If he could say that over again, he would say if they're feeling sick they should stay off of public transit or confined spaces because that is indeed the advice they we're giving. Now i think the chief of Homeland Security is an expert of mulligans since her comments about our Veterans were so well received. She is so credible these days isn't she. Hey Joe great job at helping calm the fears of the citizens of the US. No wonder we don't hear much out of you these days.

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