Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First 100 days of THE GREAT 1!

Well here it goes my first attempt at blogging. It is fitting that I start this on the night that Obama has scheduled a press conference to talk about his first 100 days in office. No doubt another attempt at grandstanding for Obama where he can pat his constituents on the back and taught how much he has already done to fix the issues caused by the Republicans. Back to this 100 days celebration we are witnessing. When was the last time this type of celebration occured by a President?? I googled it and nothing came back. I thought 100 day celebrations were reserved for elementary schools. The Elementary school my daughter goes to has one every year after the kids have gone to school for 100 days. It's pretty cute actually the kids bring in 100 cherrios, candy etc. But that is just it is cute for Elementary school kids. Not the leader of the free world. Well I am 10 minutes into the press conference and this thought just popped into my head. How much money are the networks losing during this pres conference???? Last time I checked this is Prime Time and ad space is not cheap. Plus I am sure there are a of "Lost" fans who are a little peeved at missing their show for this. Well as usual Obama who hs to do everything to help the idiot Americans, just spent 10 mins talking about the Pig Virus. Telling people to wash your hands, yadda yadda yadda. BTW was that a calculated first question or what. YES we are in prime time and the first order of business is the PIG FLU. Thank you Captain Obvious. I love this ticker on the bottom of the screen showing stats that have changed since Obama took office, it;s like watching espn for scores. I can't take to much more of this, I am waiting for the debate moderator to come out and ask Mr Mccain the same question. Stop campaining buddy you won. How long do i make this blog posts? DOn't want to make it too long people will lose interest right.

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