Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The US economy going into the crapper

This is fun so I figured I would blog some more.... Mr Obama stated that he would cut the defecit in half by the end of his term. Well analysts are saying the defecit will be 1.5 Trillion dollars. I don't know about anyone else but I when I think of a trillion widgets I cannot fathom that. If you had a trillion 1 dollar bills, what would that look like. Could you stack them UP higher than the Empire State Building??? Obama reminds me of an 18 year kid in a strip club dollars flying out his wallet. So I ask this question and if I was at this press conference I would ask Obama at this rate of spending based on the first 100 days how are you going to cut a defecit of several trillion dollars in half in 4 years? YOu have to stop spending and stop taxing... This is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. I wish I could fast forward 4 years from now and see where that number is

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